This change. That change. A few more changes. They all add up!
If you are thinking about your undies, you might need new ones. What about your loved one's with dementia? Are their undies comfy? Would you ignore a sign that read "The Bridge Is Out"? Probably not. But in our caregiving journey, we often do just that! Dark chocolate is good for your health, but have you tried cacao? Are you thinking about what you are thinking about? It can have a big impact on your day! Your loved one has on a shirt and a sweater and a jacket and a scarf, but it is 95 degrees outside. Why is that happening? Your nose, eyes, and mouth are all important in your appetite. But what happens when dementia enters the picture? |
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VETERANS AND FAMILIES OF AMERICA 904-528-1084 EMAIL: information THERE IS MONEY AVAILABLE TO HELP VETERANS PAY FOR ASSISTED LIVING OR MEMORY CARE. Contact Veterans and Families of America to learn more. They are available to help veterans get the benefits they deserve. Tell them Carol sent you! |
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