This is an episode of the television show "Life In The Carolinas," and it features Carol Howell's Momma. You might also see Carol in the show! The episode tells about the wonderful work of Rotarians and Coins For Alzheimer's Research Trust fundraiser. This video makes Carol cry, and we know you will enjoy it!
Be careful who you take dementia caregiving advice from. It can be dangerous. Did you know males who leave their depression untreated have a quadrupled chance of getting Alzheimer's?
How are you feeling about that person in the mirror? Let's talk about that.
I had such a great time interviewing author and movie producer Patrick Moffett. I decided to share the entire interview with you. Patrick's wife had Early Onset Alzheimer's. His story is moving!
I am so excited to interview Mr. Patrick Moffett who wrote the book titled ICE CREAM IN THE CUPBOARD, and he produced the movie by that same title. You will really enjoy hearing part of his story. Look ahead at the upcoming videos, and you will see a 30-minute video of our entire
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September 2024
VETERANS AND FAMILIES OF AMERICA 904-528-1084 EMAIL: information THERE IS MONEY AVAILABLE TO HELP VETERANS PAY FOR ASSISTED LIVING OR MEMORY CARE. Contact Veterans and Families of America to learn more. They are available to help veterans get the benefits they deserve. Tell them Carol sent you! |
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