The great Dolly Parton had a few words to say about rain and rainbows, and they directly relate to your caregiving journey.
A few statistics regarding your brain that might surprise you. Is your face saying one thing and your mouth saying another? Are your teeth smiling, but your words are not happy? Preparing to visit someone with the opposite sex, especially if they have dementia, requires a bit of prep work. Listen in to learn more. Have you ever noticed have adults have a tendency to use a squeaky voice when talking with babies? It's sorta odd. What is really bothersome is that same squeaky voice being used with our folks with dementia. DON'T DO THAT! I have become a successful farmer! I am growing broccoli sprouts on my counter. Broccoli sprouts contain sulforaphane, and sulforaphane has a host of health benefits. Here are the links for the items I purchased to start farming. Seeds - Sprouting system -
Polio was prevalent in the 40's and 50's, and some of our folks have post-polio syndrome today. What is it? Listen in to learn.
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VETERANS AND FAMILIES OF AMERICA 904-528-1084 EMAIL: information THERE IS MONEY AVAILABLE TO HELP VETERANS PAY FOR ASSISTED LIVING OR MEMORY CARE. Contact Veterans and Families of America to learn more. They are available to help veterans get the benefits they deserve. Tell them Carol sent you! |
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