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The year 2030 will ring in with more senior citizens than folks under age 18.
If you are one of those seniors, what are you doing to be healthy?
There are over 200 types of dementia. I had a friend's husband show concern that she might have dementia. I hope this story will make you giggle AND understand dementia a bit better.
When you pass away, who gets your "stuff?" Who receives your cash, savings accounts, life insurance, etc? I am working with a family who is experiencing more issues than they should all because one account was incorrectly handled. Not fun.
We all know life can change in a minute, but when you live through a hurricane, that statement becomes very real. Another "very real" thing is this - people are good! I am so appreciative of all the individuals who are stepping up to help other people. To donate to our Ian Relief Fund, go to www.letstalkdementia.org/donations. THANK YOU!
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January 2025
![]() THERE IS MONEY AVAILABLE TO HELP VETERANS PAY FOR ASSISTED LIVING OR MEMORY CARE. CONTACT VETERANS AND FAMILIES OF AMERICA 904-528-1084 EMAIL: information @vfamerica.org AMAZING PEOPLE! They are available to help veterans get the benefits they deserve. Tell them Carol sent you! Interested in becoming a sponsor?
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